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Barn Burner Tube Slide


Snow tubing in October?  Why not!  Come check out our Barn Burner Tube Slide!  Featuring 200 feet of tube sliding fun and excitement at speeds up to 15 mph!




Unlimited Rides:  $5 per person


Combo Tube / Zipline:*:  $12 per person


*Must meet minimum requirements for Zip Line Racers.


**Zip Line Racers & Barn Burner Tube Slide only available to paying customers of Devine's Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch**


Tube Slide Hours

Friday: 6:00p-9:45p

Saturday: 10:00a-9:45p

Sunday: 1:00p-4:45p

*Note:  Barn Burner Tube Slide will be closed on Fri. Nov. 1st and will close at 5:00pm on Sat. Nov. 2nd 2024 due to our "Field of Horror".



Please be prepared to show your ID for card use.

As you plan your tubing ride, please carefully consider these requirements.




  • There is no minimum age requirement. However, the rider must be able to handle their own tube without assistance. 

  • Of course, you’re never too old!




  • There are no weight requirements.  However, the rider must be able to sit fully inside the inner circle of the tube, sitting on the bottom of the tube.  Rider cannot be sitting on the top of the tube. 




  • Minimum height:  42 inches.  Riders will be checked.  




  • Barn Burner Tube Slides is not recommended for women who are pregnant.



Number of Riders


  • Single riders in tube only.  No double riders for any reason.


Physical Limitations


Barn Burner Tube Slide requires the ability to climb stairs and traverse uneven terrain with a tube. Braking is accomplished by the use of turf carpet which will result in rapid deceleration.  As such, all participants must be able to tolerate at least a moderate amount of physical exertion.  Riders must be able to return the tube and themselves to the starting location without any assistance.   


The following are additional requirements:


  • You must have full range of motion and use of all your extremities.

  • Those with severe respiratory problems, heart issues, back problems, balance issues, a surgery within the last six months, or moderate to severe musculoskeletal problems should not ride the tube slide. (If there is any question, check with your physician.)






The safety of our guests is the of the utmost importance.  The basic rule of thumb is if the corn maze is open to the public, the tube slides will be open.  Tube slide will not run in local severe weather such as thunderstorms, high winds, or lightning. However, they will run in the rain and after a storm has passed. Weather may delay the start of a run, but unless the weather is severe and expected to be so for an extended period, the tube slide will remain open.


"No Go"


Please understand that there are no refunds for guests who are unable to complete their tube ride. Parents know their children best. Please consider what this activity is and how your child might react to heights and challenges before purchasing a ticket.


Should you decide that it is too much for you, you may opt out of completing it. However, you will still be charged. Thanks for your understanding of our “no go” policy.


We want your tube slide experience to be fun and we will do everything that we can to allow you the opportunity to experience the Barn Burner Tube Slide. However, we also want you to be safe. For this reason Devine's Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch reserves the right to refuse access to anyone. If it is determined that a guest’s participation would compromise their safety, the staff’s safety, or the safety of other participants, they will be denied access. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, demonstrating the inability to understand the rules, failing to obey the rules, being found to not meet the physical requirements, or determining a physical inability to do the tube slide are some, but not necessarily all, of the reasons a guest may be denied access. The Devine's Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch staff will have the final say on any participant involvement. No refund is available to those refused access.

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